I've covered pretty much all the things that apply to the White race in my over 200 posts. I initially started with the intention of only focusing on being an Alpha male, but, I kept coming across the articles and programs that disparage and demonize White people. As you all know, the White male is the primary focus of this nonsense.
Today I thought I would mix it up a little and bring up some things that I see which cause me to just shake my head and say WTF?
I make a point of not watching TV but we have one at work that is on all the time. Here's what I've seen and have to ask: What's with all the mixed-race and queer couples in TV commercials? Every now and then they are pictured with children. Yeah, those kids have a chance of being "normal."
My other favorite, the black female dentist. Heaven forbid we see a White male. I've been around for many decades and work in the healthcare field and I have never seen a Black dentist, let alone a female one.
Then there are the ads that feature mechanics, farm workers, and other traditionally male dominated professions with females portrayed instead of, horror of horrors, white males.
My opinion, I will not watch or spend money on any pro sports or movies. I recognize that they are not for us. Their supporting BLM and everything queer as well Woke, DEI and P.C. policies, tells me that they have made it clear they don't respect us, the White race.
We have a President who is one of the most despicable humans on the planet. He is brain dead!!!! Yet, he is being promoted as THE choice for President. In most polls he is barely behind Trump. My question is, how stupid are the people that want a man who can't speak in front of any crowd, at any time, without going totally off track and descending into speaking gibberish? I laugh when they say he just had a 2-hour phone call with some world leader. I would love to hear how that went from a man who is grossly impaired. I leave with this; he wasn't charged with keeping documents because he was found to be an old feeble man with a poor memory? And at least half of America is OK with this and want him re-elected as President? Are they f'ng stupid?
As we enter queer "Pride" month in June, why would any sane White person not only think this is OK but would actually celebrate it? What started as a small event has now morphed into a nationwide phenomenon that is shoved in our faces by all facets of the media, corporations, businesses and even sports teams and the military. Our schools are indoctrinating children into believing that being trans or queer is normal. As an aside, I wonder how many of these straight sympathizers actually consider what a couple of fags do to each other sexually. We went from having to accept homos, then trans as being normal to what next? Pedophilia? Is that why pedos are now often referred to as minor attracted persons?
A month doesn't go by that I don't see special grants and programs in my area for "disadvantaged" blacks but never any for poor whites.
They are building a 1.4-billion-dollar stadium in the Buffalo, a true waste of money seeing as we have a perfectly good one already but there is a hook to it. They are frantically trying to make sure they have minority groups involved in the building process. That means black and women corporations. So, getting the best possible people for the job is secondary to having blacks and women in on it. By the way, 10 years ago they dumped 110 million into upgrades to our current stadium yet now they need a new one?
Blacks make up 13% of the population and commit 57% of the crimes.
No bail laws, D.A.'s not punishing crime is rapidly turning our cities into no go zones.
Horrendous and violent crimes are being committed around the country on a daily basis by illegals who have been let in by Biden yet no one is doing anything about it. I suppose if it doesn't affect the elites and powers that be it is not an issue to them. I guess people regard this as the "new normal."
I read all the time that we Whites need to rise up and resist the injustices that are being done to our people. While I agree with this it is plain to see that the authorities and government will take you out of circulation on the flimsiest of charges and throw away the key. Think the Jan 6 people, Trump and everyone connected with him for starters. You aren't any good to anyone rotting away in prison somewhere. I believe this country is lost and as I have said in prior articles on this site, move to the country, try to be around those of like mind.
Speaking of illegals, it is the "religious" organizations that are facilitating their settling into our communities and making millions doing so. Orgs like Catholic Charities, Jewish Family Services, some Lutheran group as well as others I can't recall the names of.
I close with this; our country is a totalitarian regime. It controls elections, the Media, the D.O.J, and the F.B.I, It persecutes in a variety of different ways those that it views as their enemy. What constitutes being an enemy these days has gotten really narrow in definition. This government is in the process of transforming our country into something that is ions away from what would be called a Constitutional Republic.
"Sic semper tyrannis" To those who don't know what this means, in so many words this implies that tyrannical leaders (and governments) will eventually be overthrown.
We can only hope.