Sunday, February 25, 2024

Thomas Jefferson Had it Right!

Take a moment and really think about the above quote. There is not a smarter, more innovative man alive to today than Thomas Jefferson. Read his list of accomplishments if you don't believe it. John F. Kennedy once said this about him while hosting 50 Nobel Prize winners at the White House:  

I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.

Most of the haters of American history and this country, which include the media and our government, probably don't even know that Jefferson made this comment. No, they'd rather focus on the fact that he owned slaves as a reason for tearing down his statues. You know, use 2023 sensibilities and apply them to accepted practices of 200+ years ago. But let's get to the main reason for taking down American heroes of the North and South. It is to remake the United States in their twisted, one-world, globalist image. 

I remember when they first started removing statues, they were of our Confederate war heroes. People I knew, who should have known better, seemed to think that it wouldn't go any further than that. Well bozos, you should have realized that it wouldn't stop there. They've gone from General Robert E. Lee to Thomas Jefferson, to George Washington and more. And it shows no signs of stopping.

Meanwhile, those of us who know this is wrong are powerless to stop it. Better men than you and I have tried. The haters have the loudest voice and control of, once again, the media and the government.

However, one of the things we can do is inform and speak to others who are clueless as to what is going on. Give them the facts and reality of what the agenda is.

I'll close with something that I encountered in 2010 while driving around Jacksonville, North Carolina where I used to work. I always smile when I think back on it. There was an old pickup truck that had a bumper sticker on it that said: "If I knew things would end up like this I would have picked my own cotton." 

Next post coming this Wednesday.

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