What would you say about a country that in 2023 saw 75 murders and 153 rapes every day for a grand total of 55,000 rapes and 27,375 murders in one year? I should add that authorities say that many of these crimes go unreported, so those figures are undoubtedly higher. With that said, I think it would be fair to describe this country as a literal hell on earth. This country is South Africa, once called the jewel of the African continent. Stats cited above were obtained from the online news site Remix (rmx.news).
White farmers and other whites there are getting beaten, raped and murdered on an almost daily basis. Too many live in fear for their safety and lives. In addition, many are seeing their farms confiscated as happened in another God forsaken country called Zimbabwe.
I guess the logical question becomes, where is the world outrage and concern that we saw for years over apartheid in that land? The harsh reality is, is that the world's media has pretty much chosen to ignore it. I sense the reason for this attitude is because South Africa is now a black run country, and a significant number of the victims are white. Do you really expect the Media to report that this country has gone down the tubes ever since black rule took over and that most of the other countries in Africa who received its freedom from the "evil" colonizers are now not fit to live in? No folks, it doesn't fit the scenario.
To the Media and most governments around the world, black lives matter, illegal aliens' lives matter, Muslim lives matter, but, White lives? You people are on your own!
My question to all these fools is what are you going to do when the barbarians and rabble are at your gate? The way things are going, it is just a matter of time.
Forewarned is forearmed!