Wednesday, September 20, 2023

More Practical Advice for Alpha Males From Dave Draper

Courage to be yourself and going against what you are being told, and in some cases ordered to, is not all that common these days. Consider the following by Dave Draper:

"This is not a startling revelation to you and to me. but it's worth repeating to our neighbor: The best thing we can do in a continuing effort to enhance our apparently declining world is to take control of our lives, personally, individually. 

Forget war, pandemics, crime and immorality for a minute and notice we are surrounded by masses just poking along like life was a chore, the late shift, a bad habit or a dull pain and not a fragrant gift.
Wake up friends, wake up. We're broken, we need fixing and it's in our control. It's simple, yet it takes courage and work.

Can you hear me? It takes personal courage and it takes hard work.

I'm losing most of the population, I can tell. 'Courage and hard work' do not ring a bell in the town square; they don't register on the scale of Popular Daily Behavior and I do not see them on today's list of Currently Applied Qualities in Vogue Magazine."

We are not of this world--we are not like most of the population because that is the way to a nothing life.

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