Saturday, April 15, 2023

Alpha Males and Recommended Books For Them

Just did a Google search on Alpha Males. As usual it totally pissed me off. The reason for this is that not only did the overwhelming number of posts disparage alpha males, there were a huge amount that tried to redefine what an alpha male really is. Basically, making us fruits or metrosexuals.

Senator Josh Hawley just wrote a book called: Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs, not surprisingly, it has been condemned by the majority of people in the Media.The reason for this is that any promotion of what I would call "traditional" masculinity is being condemned in America these days. I would quickly add that this book is hardly extreme, unkind or offensive to anyone.

BUT---there is a type of war going on against those who think that masculinity which was once accepted and commonplace, is now "toxic", racist and homophobic. Want a quick check to confirm this? Just read a few reviews of Hawley's book.

Yet, we have the promotion of all kinds of faggotry (my term thank you) everyday in our country, EVERYWHERE!! I need not go into it. If this comes as a surprise to you then get your head out of the  

What follows are some of my favorite books and they are by no means a complete list. Let me quickly add that these authors have been doxed, called white supremacists, nazis, and who knows what else. The reality is, is that they are none of those slurs and there is not one shred of proof to validate these accusations.

Here goes: Buy Hawley's book. I have only read excerpts but any political figure that has the guts to write what he did deserves our support.
Buy Jack Donovan's book, A Sky Without Eagles which is a collection of essays. The book that he is most known for is, The Way of Men. Jack has said he thinks people should read this book first but I would say read the Eagles book before that one. Also, another must read book by him is, Becoming A Barbarian.

Another must read author is Paul Waggener. Ignore the freaky appearance and all the tattoos, Paul is a very intelligent and creative person. His books, The Inner Circle, Werewolf Manifesto, Operation Werewolf: The Complete Transmissions, Operation Werewolf: The Complete Zines are loaded with great articles.

Both of these men, for reasons I don't know, still have a presence on Youtube and do podcasts. Paul is often listed by his name or his organization Operation Werewolf. These guys believe in the necessity of a strong body fostering a strong, creative, independent thinking mind. These men speak the truth.

I will probably do a part two to this list because there are a few more books I would recommend. By the way, these books can be bought fairly cheap on used book sites like Abebooks and Alibris.

In closing, forgive me for going off topic but I have to say this because it has come up recently, I am not a racist! I am a racial realist.
If I say things like, why can you have all black colleges, all black graduations at mixed race colleges, a "Black" caucus in Congress, Black Pride and exclusively black things here and there, then why can't we have all white groups and organizations too?

You are the racist if you think this situation is acceptable.

To Alpha Males--black and white, wake up guys, spread the word, stick up for being who you are, be a role model for the young, present yourself as a worthy role model, don't be a fat shit. 

It's later than you think!

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