In this era of blame whitey for just about everything, to replace him as often as you can in the public arena, remember this.
And what was the skin color of those who made pretty every innovation and invention since the beginning of time?
And what was the skin color of those who made pretty every innovation and invention since the beginning of time?
Once again, you may hate Donald Trump but what they are doing to him, and have been doing to him, is so contrary to what this country once was and once stood for.
Climate change regulations that are coming, as well as the prior covid lockdowns and restrictions, are just a sample and reminder of what this totalitarian regime has in store for you in the not too distant future. Throw in controls on "free" speech while you are at it. Wait a minute, restrictions on free speech is already here. Ha-Ha
What to do? Let's see, wait till you get "your guy" into office who will make everything right? Do you really think the current demographics of this country and the way the majority think favors any kind of change? Are you real sure the major elections aren't rigged?
Waiting for Jesus to return and straighten things out? Mmmm. If you know your Bible, give a thought to the decades of punishment God put on his people for walking contrary to him. You know, gross immorality, etc. Ever think we may be getting a little of that? Yeah, things are going to get a whole lot worse people.
The answer: Forming intentional communities with those of like mind is the answer, for now. Get out of the hellholes that are the cities. Your city might not be that bad but give it time. There has to be a place for the 4 million plus (and counting) immigrants they've let in so far.
Forewarned is forearmed.