The quote below may provide the answer:
"Based on BMI, more than 70% of US adults are considered overweight or obese."
The quote below may provide the answer:
"Based on BMI, more than 70% of US adults are considered overweight or obese."
Why even train your body? This is taken from an article I wrote some time ago. The New Man will be the "whole package"--a self-educated mind that sees and know all things. Why have a great mind atop a wasted body? It makes no sense!
"I train for honor.
Honor is a higher reason to train, a higher cause, a motivation above and beyond the routine and mundane. It's a better reason to keep going to the gym than mere narcissism or the fear of immobility, impotence and death."
"That without strength, efficient organs, intelligence and an absence of secret fears man is only a parody, and for him life cannot be fully lived. He does not dominate his environment; it is the environment that dominates him. Such a man is not free.
Only the mentally free and the physically strong can live this type of life to the full. Nature ordains it this way. There is no catch to it. Nature favors the fit."
Percy Wells Cerutty, Australian athlete, coach, philosopher.
Hope this applies to you readers out there. Don't waste your time and disrespect your body.
I'm Not of This World
I don't seek pleasure from booze, drugs and satiating every desire that arises.
I have respect for my body, as such, I don't pollute it.
Entertainment, or what passes for entertainment these days, is of no interest to me.
Nor does living vicariously through watching others engage in sports.
I choose to be a doer not a watcher.
I am proud of my race and do what I can to defend, promote and protect it from those who speak against it.
I seek out ways to perfect my body and mind through activities that accomplish both objectives.
My friends are those who understand this and are on a similar path.
I'm Not of This World.