Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Don't Let This Be You

That's them, hopefully it's not you.

"Humanity is so firmly entrenched in the programming of the modern world that most people are at the mercy of fear, depression, anxiety, weakness, addiction, and perhaps most importantly, a lack of purpose and true direction." P.W.

Be your own person, think for yourself, find your own way.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Time to Be a Real Outlaw

You don't have to look like the guy narrating this video to be a real outlaw in this totalitarian country in which we now live----there comes a time when we say enough is enough--I'm not following your dictates or the crowd.- click the link below the picture and listen to this 3-minute video.

Operation Werewolf - Outlaws - YouTube 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Words To Live By

"Better to live vigorously, better to fight, than to simply wait for the peace."


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Is There Something Sinister Behind the Push to Legalize Marijuana?

I was never one to buy into conspiracy plots but events of the last 5 years or so have changed that.
I should this say before proceeding, if you are a person who is so locked into your political beliefs, be it left or right, that you can't see the truth because it might not agree with your "party," then I say you are a fool.
To everyone who doesn't see that this country is well along into the process of degenerating into something very bad and totalitarian, then I recommend you get your head out of the sand. Ignorance is not bliss; it is potentially very dangerous to your health and survival.
So, now to the subject at hand. The push to legalize marijuana in all 50 states. What's that all about? The logical answer would of course be that it's all about the $$$ and I would be foolish not to admit that, that is not a significant reason. But, is there something else going on here?
In recent years we have seen a downplaying of the dangers of habitual marijuana use, especially in our youth up to 22 years of age. As someone who smoked it for years in the past I can say marijuana has things connected with its use that goes beyond the purely physical detriments.
First off, REGULAR use makes you lazy and unmotivated. Sitting around eating, drinking and watching the Tube are much more appealing than being active. It also makes you docile (translation submissive).
Marijuana for our youth has been scientifically proven to damage young, developing brains.
My question is this, why has a substance that was vilified for ages now being given the rush for nationwide legalization?
Could it be that this herb is viewed by the 'powers that be' as a kind of modern day "opiate for the masses?" Something that makes them dull and docile, less aware of what is going on around them, less concerned? And for those who don't want any part of marijuana, consider the fact that while everything we buy these days has gone up in price except alcohol, you really have to wonder....
Docile, lazy, stoned, buzzed, drunk, self-absorbed, a perfect state to be in to be manipulated and controlled.
Yeah, I'm a conspiracy theorist. How can you not be in this day and age, in this country?